Racine were great hosts among all of our great hosts. They had pulled out Classic 8 as well as Classic 17 from the protective hangars; both ready for their preflights & last leg of ARC 2009. Those completed, we left Racine as many others were coming in from Jacksonville: sitting on the taxiway, listen for the high-speed flybys above your head...is the hair up on the nape of your neck??? YeeeeeeeHaaa! Thanks Racine!
Down on the ground in ATLANTIC, IOWA...the marathon is completed! Nikki is excited she's HOME & Mom met us immediately. Tie-downs applied & a knot tying lesson (thanks Stephanie) in the afternoon shower that started done, we walk into the terminal and find a great welcome from the Atlantic folks. Then it's off to the motel for a refreshing & much needed nap. And it's a good thing I captured THAT as we've just gotten a call: I need to be at the airport by 10am for another timing box to verify the handicap! So, I GET TO FLY AGAIN ! Whoo Hoo! But, now how am I supposed to sleep?!?
Oh, and the Atlantic folks hosted a very nice Hangar Party with part sun, nice breeze & excellent BBQ this afternoon.
Too many thoughts in my head right now... Stay tuned for Race weekend activities...