So, since the pics were uploaded backwards...
We end the day in Jacksonville, IL with the setting sun in our eyes for the final fly-by. And what an interesting fly-by it turns out to be: there is a prison @ 3.5NM on the approach path that we must stay up @ 2000' to pass over. Our fly-by height is 200' above ground level. So, as RACERS, we get to descend at a screaming pace to be at the altitude we need to be at for the timing line (can you see my grin??) Then a close pattern to land in a beautiful part of the country. The people were so glad to see us (the group of seven planes that landed within about an hour of each other) as they had been waiting since yesterday! Another stop with ice cold water & fixins'... and air conditioning in the terminal building that was enjoyed after bug removal. Then, as we were taken - thanks Jack (our driver) - to the hotel, we were in a magical place that I can only describe as what Walt Disney tried to capture with Tinkerbell flying around: the grasses & fields of corn were thick with fireflies that escorted us into town. I used to see a few of them in Western NY while growing up, but I've never been surrounded with this copious amount.

Here is Nikki (that's her on the other side) & Classic 17 getting fuel from the island fuel farm at Sparta, TN: these folks were READY for us! On the radio, asking what we needed as we taxi'd & then...the ice cold water. And did I mention the spread they had here for us? Nice air conditioned terminal building that was enjoyed after bug removal. They also had two computers for us to plan whether or not we'd press on for another leg. Our briefing showed another afternoon of pop-up thunderstorms with the requisite SIGMET. Radar showing the whole southern part of IL with thunderstorms. BUT the outlook says they will be dissipating...checking the Water Vapor 1km tells the story: not enough to keep it going, so load her up & here we go! Thank you Sparta!
We stayed VFR below and could easily see the buildups as well as the little rain showers that were able to form. And of course we called & filed another PIREP & got the goods enroute from Flight Watch.

Wild Mama Pilot Terry got this shot of us as we performed our fly-by to continue at Grenada, MS after stopping for fuel. When we arrived, we were greeted with personnel waiting for us on the ramp & in the terminal building: cold water & an excellent lunch. Quick fuel service was had, air conditioning enjoyed after bug removal & the personnel were friendly & welcoming. Thank you Grenada!

Well, we missed the 1st alarm, the 2nd alarm and thankfully were awakened with the 3rd alarm. A quick Holiday Inn Express breakfast bar & off to the airport we go. Classic 17 all fueled & debugged from last night just waiting for us. Preflight completed, we left with the arrivals & quick turns of some of the teams that had left Sweetwater earlier. Just prior to packing the plane, I was able to get an excellent picture of Team Wild Mama performing her fly-by to land. Can you hear that? vvvvvvvvrrrrroooommmmmmm aaaahhhhhh !!! Thank you Lufkin!
We stayed lower for this leg & performed a fly-by to continue at Russellville, AR & onto Grenada, MS (see above).