I have set up an account with fundable.com. This is like an online auction, but the thing is I have 26 days to collect the goal which I set at $550. If I do not, then no one who bids gets charged. So here is the link:http://www.fundable.com/groupactions/groupaction.2009-04-26.7780833046. The min. bid is $10.00,or you can go to the donate button on the right of this blog, and donate, and u can donate lower than $10.00.
Well Squeege and I are hitting the pavement hard when it comes to getting sponsorships. I have sent over 100 letters, posted out flyers all over towns, and am going to be doing a few parades to try to get interest. Squeege is making phone calls. Let's hope something comes out of our hard work.